Monday, May 28, 2012

She's The One For Me

Last week I visited my family in Chicago. We had a jolly good time talking, reminiscing, etc. During one of my conversations with my mom, the question came up: What is your type of girl?

Honestly, I really have to think hard about this one. I dated an amazing girl for five years or so, but it ended up not working out, and that's okay. It's better to have loved and lost than to stop loving someone you end up living with forever.

In many ways, I don't think this post will do my future woman justice. It's hard to know everything about someone you're interested in. There are so many variables that can make or break a relationship. I hate trying to rationalize these kinds of things because love, after all, is not rational. Even if the person of interest matches your criteria for "Future Mr./Mrs. Me," you might find out that what you think you wanted in a person is not actually what you really wanted. A little confusing, but, c'est la vie (French for: it's life). On the other hand, he/she may be the complete opposite of what you were hoping for, and somehow you end up falling in love. That's how it is with my parents. They're both so different from each other, but they seem to love each other. I mean, they did have four kids together and are still happily married. Maybe they're happily married because they needed each other to survive the holocaust that is having four kids like my siblings and me...

However, if you were to point a gun to my head and force me to describe the girl I want for me, I suppose I would give it my best shot. So here goes. You're not holding a gun to my head, but for your sake, I'm pretending that you are. Not sure where this is going so I'll get back on track.

I really could do a better job of showing this, but my faith is very important to me. It seems cliché, but there's a reason so many couples need a common faith to keep them together. Faith means to believe with conviction in something you can't grasp physically. If you have faith, you're going to have values and morals that support what you believe. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, we had better share the same values or we will never see eye to eye.

Obviously, beauty is a factor. But this doesn't mean I hope she looks like a model. Please feed yourself, future Mrs. Me! I've always felt that a person is as beautiful as they feel. My type of girl would feel confident in her own appearance. I know everyone has things about themselves they don't like, but this goes beyond thinking you look perfect. Carry yourself with pride in who you are! So you have a pimple on your nose, or freckles on your skin, so what! You were made in the semblance of someone bigger and more beautiful than life. In other words, you were made beautiful. The more confident you are in that little fact, the more beautiful you are to those around you.

My kind of girl would acknowledge that you can't get everything you want, but would still not be afraid to dream. More importantly she would not be afraid to try to make her dream a reality. We live in hard times. Having something to work for gives you direction and purpose. It motivates you and shapes the way you live your life. Also, then your life will be more like a graceful antelope and less like a limp noodle. Not sure where that was going so I'll get back on track.

Love offers a lot of happiness, but also an equal amount of hardships. Sometimes you need to give something up for the person you love. My girl would understand the importance of sacrifice. How can you say you truly love someone if you aren't willing to give up something that's better for you for something that's better for both of you? Obviously, individuals in a relationship are important. But the awesome thing about love is that it needs to grow beyond the self of each person involved for it to work. There are different levels of sacrifice, but someone who truly loves you will be happy with the sacrifice no matter how big or small. You can't buy that kind of companionship.

I want to be respected. I want to be respected as person. I want to be respected as a man. I don't feel like this needs explaining.

I want her to think I'm funny! If I can't make her laugh, how will I ever know if she's happy? Also, nobody likes to laugh alone, unless you're that loser weirdo who actually does like to laugh alone....I do sometimes....It would be nice if she thinks my sense of humor is actually funny, and not so stupid that she gives me pity laughs for trying so hard. I would like her laughs to be genuine. Which leads me to my next point.

I would like her to be genuine. If you have a problem with the way I do something, tell me! If you love the way I do something, please tell me! I don't want you to have to fake having fun. Why make yourself suffer that way? The most awesome girls are the ones that don't hide behind the person they think everyone will like. That's right. I'm saying if you're not yourself, you are unawesome. I might even go as far as saying if you're not yourself, you're a smelly fish turd. You don't want to be that do  you?

I realize I've been switching between second and third person for my direct object. Just bare with me. Up yours, otherwise.

Please be supportive. It can be difficult to keep the love flames burning if only one person is doing the supporting. I don't feel like this needs explaining.

Have an open mind. The hardest kind of girl to love is the one that is always right. Okay, I know girls are actually always right, but throw me a bone here. If I have an idea that I think might be cool, don't shoot me down. I guess if you really really really don't want to me to follow through with it you could say something like, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" or something that isn't really aggressive. Maybe I'm asking for too much. Yeah, you're right. You're always right. Forget I said anything.

I shouldn't have to say this, but love should obviously be a factor. I'm not going to go into detail here. I just wanted to say it so you would know I actually think this is important. I guess if you really want my take on what love entails, write it in a comment below or text me or whatever.

I feel like the list could go on, but like I said, I don't like to rationalize this kind of thing. I might meet her and find out I love her even though she's a complete...well...she might be reading this, so I'll stop while I'm ahead. No reason to have marital strife before the marital part has become reality.

And Mom, sorry I didn't tell you this when we were talking about it. Actually, the two days after you asked me this question, I spent a lot of it thinking and mulling this question over in my head.

I hope this has given everyone a satisfactory inside look into what I think my kind of girl is. If not...well...not much I can do for you...

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